Office 4

Dental Exams

Why are dental exams and cleanings essential?

Dental exams and cleanings are essential because it's the way that we can see and prevent things that are happening in your mouth, your oral health. That's the way we can help you to discover future treatments or prevent it.

What is included in a dental exam?

In our dental exam, we include a scan of all your teeth, a full set of x-rays, so in our exams, we include a full set of x-rays. We take photographs just for our record, and we do the whole scan of your teeth so you can have a better view of your teeth.

What is a dentist looking for?

What we're looking for is the condition of your teeth. If your teeth and your gums are healthy, if your teeth are complete, are healthy as well, they don't have a fracture or decay, or something that we can prevent further.

What types of recommendations could come from a dental exam?

The recommendation that we can get from a dental exam that we did at Designing Beautiful is what type of cleaning do you need? What type of oral hygiene you can have at your home? More recommendations include how to take care of your teeth, your tongue, your diet, also your habits. What oral habits do you have? And we can manage, see, find out which habits you have, so we can help you to prevent or correct them.

How long does a full dental exam take?

At Designing Beautiful Smiles, we take a good examination. The exam will take an hour. An hour since the moment that you come in, fill out the papers, we finish with the exam, the assistant is going to take some preliminary x-rays and photographs, as I said, and then I'm doing the examination.

Are dental exams painful?

Oh, dental exams are not painful at all. As I tell my patients, it's a friendly visit. It's a question-answer visit. It's just showing you what you have in your mouth. It's really difficult with a little mirror to find out what you have in your mouth. So when you come to the exam, I can do a complete examination. We look at it together and we make decisions from there. You're gonna love it.